From 0 to Hero: 3 Types of Lead Magnets that Get You Paid 

Get instant access to this short 5-page PDF to discover the 3 must-have lead magnets crucial for cultivating a list of serious buyers—👋🏻Freebie chasers!


What if I told you that the freebies you provide could make or break your lead generation effort?


🥴I consistently provide valuable free content, but my audience isn’t always serious about taking action (aka working with me or buying from me). Or, it takes SOOOO LONG before they’re ready to actually buy.

🥴I've whipped up at least a handful of freebies in the past, but I don't always know how to go from here and transition into sales. It's like I'm just collecting subscribers in the name of building an email list, and I often think, 'What's the point of collecting them if I don't know how to convert?'

🥴I think I know what my people want because I listen to my audience, but I don’t think they know how much “value” I can offer to them. It’s like they just don’t get it…

Your subscribers are taking what seems like forever to buy?

What’s inside:


Gather a few numbers and plug em in, the equation will tell you exactly where you’ve missed the marks and what to do going forward


Know exactly how to skyrocket your next launch without starting from scratch or letting emotions consume you. It’s time to make data-driven decisions! Deal? 


The only 3 things you need to pay attention if you want to make more sales 



hi friend, cynthia here!

I’m a copywriter and sales coach. My mission is to empower business owners with messaging strategies and mindset mastery, so that they can stand out, sell well, and serve more!

I was one who talked down myself and locked my ideas in a box because I didn’t think I was worthy enough to dream big...

But it wasn’t until I began letting go of my negative self-talk and showing up even in the unglamorous moments, that I began to believe in my purpose.

Because I know finding confidence and security in what you’re called to do isn’t always the calling is to help you show up unashamed, own your purpose, and serve the world in ways that only you can serve. To remind you that you’re known, worthy, and strong. And your brand messaging can be a reflection of that.

I know there’s a lot of noise out there about how to market your business and attract dream clients. My goal is to help you quiet the noise. 

Whether the noise comes in the form of education from experts, tactics that don’t seem to fit with you and your business or you simply not knowing where to start, quieting the noise means you’ll actually be able to dig deep into your true passion and focus on the people you're meant to serve.

It’s only when we start with your calling that we can find the details that truly matter to both you and your dream clients.

Jessie W.

The process was so easy and she nailed it perfectly!

rachel r.

I was fully booked for the year within 2 months.

Branding Photographer

Marketing Strategist

val d.

I feel so much less stress when thinking about planning my sales content

Business Coach

kiana g.

My content + messaging connected us before we ever had a conversation.

photographer + business coach

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