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What Is A Faith-Based Business?

December 12, 2018 2:58 am

As you may know, I have a desire to start a small business. In the past, I had no idea what it was going to look like. Everything seemed busy and confusing, and I really wanted to do it right. After spending lots of time praying and talking to my friends and family about it, I started to get the idea of building a faith-based business (I will explain what that means later).

Faith is a big part of my life. I do not shy away from sharing the fact that God is the centre of my life and I want my business to reflect that I believe in a faithful God who is the true creator of what I do. He is the reason and inspiration behind all of my creativity, ideas and work. That is what gets me excited โ€” not the actual business itself, but the adventure I am on with my Father. I know that He is faithful and He will give me the wisdom and the discernment that I need to build this little dream of mine.

So what exactly is a faith-based business? I have had a hard time identifying that myself, but I came to the conclusion that a faith-based business does not need to be tied up with products filled with bible verses and prayers. Nowadays, everything is marketable and I think it is possible to sell Christian products and not do it in a faith-filled or spirit-led way.

With that being said, I think running a faith-based business means starting with faith and working in faith. What does that look like practically? There are a million different ways to approach this. For me personally, I pray over my business. I put my trust in God and listen to Him closely about what He wants me to do instead of what other people are suggesting. I seek Him in every single way, whether it is decision-making, branding strategies, or content creation. I need to seek His guidance and wisdom so that I can serve others in a way that can point them to Christ.

Colossians 1:10 says: โ€œso that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of Godโ€.

I think there is so much truth in this verse. In whatever we do, God is in control of the result and our work should never be based on what we can achieve or accomplish. God cares about so much more than the work we do. He cares about our lives and He wants us to live a life that is worthy and pleasing to Him, and we can only do that by aligning our hearts with His heart and letting Him work in and through us.

I hope you find this encouraging. I am seriously so excited for this crazy adventure! I am currently working with a brand designer-this is getting real and coming very soon. More details to come, and thank you for following along and for your support.


Comments +

  1. David says:

    Very well written. It touched me deeply. Thank God for you. I will pray for your business as well.

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