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(SWIPE COPY INSIDE) 3 tips for selling your products and services during a crisis

March 20, 2020 4:57 am

Where are the Avengers when we need them the most? Seriously, the past couple of weeks have felt unreal. There is so much uncertainty and so much that is unknown. I’ve seen friends with kids struggling to adapt to their new “working from home” status and clients dealing with cancellations and rescheduled events. It is a real mess and a hard season that we’re experiencing and everyone is affected by it, whether that be physically, mentally, or financially.

While there is no way to sugar coat this crisis, I have been inspired by so many of you in the creative online business community who have been reaching out and helping one another over the last few days. It got me thinking: what can I do to play a part in this? How can I show up and serve YOU with what I have even though all I want to do is to escape it all and pretend nothing bad is happening?

At times like this, it’s easy to just “shut down” and disengage. It can feel as though there is A LOT to do and that we should be doing something to be proactive, yet it is hard to be motivated to do ANYTHING because nothing seems to matter anymore. Friend, you’re not alone in this and your work matters, and NOW is really the time to show up and use your creativity to help people as much as you can.

The world seems to be shutting itself down and things are slowing down. I get it. You’re afraid of coming across as being insensitive to your audience and you’d rather do nothing and let it pass. I totally get it. Is it awkward to talk about our products and services while in the midst of a pandemic? Yes. But should we let it stop us from serving? Heck no! I love how Megan Martin reinforces this concept when she says: “selling is serving.” As business owners, this is our time to walk into what we’re called to do: solve problems as entrepreneurs, show up even when things get hard, and serve our people well.

I wanna give you three tips for talking about your products and services without coming across as insensitive or cold. I’ve also compiled a list of swipe copy you can use on social media and in emails to confidently talk about your business during this awkward, challenging time. No opt-in required. Just scroll down 🙂 But be sure to join my email fam for exclusive content!

Three tips for selling your products and services during a crisis

Tip 1: Acknowledge the situation

The best thing you can do is to acknowledge the situation. Let your audience know that what is happening right now is a legit crisis and that you are with them and know that it’s a hard situation. Do not shy away from mentioning Coronavirus; it’s gonna make you relatable.

Tip 2: Validate their emotions and concerns

It’s important to treat your audience like the human beings that they are. People are not stupid and they can sense if you only want their money or if you truly care about them. One way to do this is by using simple language. This is not the time to try to be “smart” and get creative with how you talk to your audience. Talk to them like how you’d talk to your close friends and family. Use simple phrases like, “How are you holding up?”, “How is Coronavirus affecting you?”, and “How can I help?”. Be sure to check out the swipe copy below!

A few ways to do this:

  • Use polls and question boxes in your Instagram Stories. Ask your audience what they need.
  • Send an email to your mailing list just to ask them how they are doing.
  • Go live on Facebook or Instagram to address this issue, share your perspectives, and give your audience a few tips to help make their life easier

Tip 3: Make an offer and let them be the judge

Now you’re probably wondering: “Okay…but how can I sell my products and book new clients?” First, we need to get rid of the mindset that you’re talking to a big group of people. Instead, focus on talking to ONE person who would still find your products and services helpful and valuable, even during a crisis. Every situation is different and each person is going through different things. You never know if someone would buy what you’re selling until you offer it to them. Tell them what you have and let them decide. Again, I’ve made it easy for you with a list of swipe copy below that you can use. Remember, don’t take it personally or be discouraged if you don’t see results quickly. Just keep showing up for your people.

Well friend, I hope this is helpful. I know it’s been a real challenge for all of us and I’d love nothing more than to be a helpful guide for you. Be sure to join my email list so I can send you more copy templates for your business and follow me on Instagram@cynthiadiwar for more updates!

Below, you’ll find copy templates for five days of content:

  • DAY 1: Encourage honest conversations
  • DAY 2: Spread positivity & BTS
  • DAY 3: Give 3-5 tips to help your audience solve a specific problem
  • DAY 4: Share a lesson you’ve learned so far from this extraordinary situation
  • DAY 5: Offer your products/services

P.S. You don’t have to follow this specific order of posts. This is meant to be a simple structure you can use to take action right away, but feel free to customize it to reflect your brand voice, business model, etc.

DAY 1: Encourage honest conversations


As a [photographer/business coach/product shop owner], it has been a whirlwind experience seeing how many people are being affected by Coronavirus. Trying to help my clients [navigate this difficult situation/create a game plan for their finances/feel supported and cared for] while also [keeping my 5 year old alive and entertained/trying to manage my OWN mess/figuring out shipping details] is no joke.

The struggle is real for all of you and I can’t remember the last time I felt this stressed, discouraged, and hopeless. That’s why we need each other now more than ever. There are so many things we can’t control, and we can’t and shouldn’t go through this alone. I want to open up the floor for YOU today. How are you feeling? How are you holding up with all this craziness? I’m here for you and I want you to feel supported and cared for more than ever.

DAY 2: Spread positivity & BTS

Photo idea: inspirational quote, your work area, picture of you smiling

We all need a little brightness in our day, right? For me, this looks like [reading my devotion before my kids wake up/having a clean work desk/having an extra cup of coffee to get me going], especially during times like this when the words “FUN” and “JOY” seem to disappear from our vocabulary. Let’s change that. Are you with me? I don’t know about you, but I am not a big fan of faking it til you make it, and choosing joy is NOT faking. It’s a choice. A decision we can make to look at our life and situations from a new perspective. Today, I’m choosing to do what I LOVE: [designing websites for my clients/recording training videos for my students/trying a new dinner recipe]. What are you working on today and how are you choosing joy?

DAY 3: Give 3-5 tips to help your audience solve a specific problem

Are you desperately trying to find a new book to read or TV show to binge-watch while being stuck at home? Check out my latest [blog post/video/mini-training session on Facebook] where I talk about [5 ways to increase productivity/my approach to healthy living/5 quick steps to build an online business]. I’m committed to creating more resources like this to help you beat the feeling of being overwhelmed. What other [website/side-hustle/budgeting] related questions do you have? Let me know!

DAY 4: Share a lesson you’ve learned so far from this extraordinary situation

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned from the Coronavirus pandemic is that I wish I [had a bullet-proof contract in place to protect myself/had a streamlined system that would save me time when dealing with client communications and task management/had taken the idea of saving seriously]. I underestimated the importance of ____________[the thing you’ve learned].

What about you? Have you also found gaps in some areas of your business or life? As a [virtual assistant/website designer/stylist], my mission is to [support you with all the nitty-gritty details/create a beautiful AND functional website that converts/educate people on the importance of simplifying and decluttering]. I currently still have a few spots available if you’d like to work together. Send me a DM if you want more deets!

DAY 5: Offer your products/services

What a crazy time to be [launching new products/a service-based business owner/working on new projects when the world is sick] – but I wouldn’t be showing up here and offering you my products/services if I didn’t fully believe in them. [Use code: ABC for 10% off your order/We are here to help you navigate your next big event and take care of the details/if you have been waiting for the “best time” to finally work on your website copy, the time is now]. I/we are always here to answer any questions you have. Head to my website to book your free complimentary call.

Be sure to join my email fam for more copy templates and exclusive content (when I say exclusive, I REALLY mean it)! Click here to join. I can’t wait to show up in your inbox!

Three tips for talking about your products and services during a crisis


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