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Copywriting myths that might be hurting your business

September 27, 2021 5:18 pm

There are a lot of different opinions out there about sales tactics and copywriting, and truthfully, some of these ideas are outright myths. I’ve identified some of the most prevalent myths for you, with reasoning backed up by real experiences from myself and my clients to help get you on your way to sharing your message and communicating your value with more confidence.

Myth #1: You only need to focus on your copywriting when you’re struggling to make sales

To be honest with you, I believed this myth when I first started working with clients on their copy. I’m a firm believer in the statement “don’t fix what isn’t broken.” BUT, the more feedback I’ve received from clients, the more I’ve realized that copy isn’t just for people who are struggling to make sales. It’s ALSO for those aiming to pursue the right business and serve the right people.

Probably at least 60% of my clients come to me having already made some sales, but feeling burned out. They feel lost and confused about their own messaging. They’ve found their purpose and they’re ready to go above and beyond to serve their clients, but they don’t know how to attract the right clients who will respect them, trust their unique process, and honour their boundaries.

This is why my mission isn’t just to help you stand out and sell more, but also to help you feel proud of your work and love the clients you serve.

Myth #2: Just sell what they want, not what they need

I totally get the logic behind this statement because as a copywriter, I care about sales psychology–and it’s true that most people make decisions about what they will buy based on their emotions, justifying purchases logically. I think that this is one reason why people sometimes feel like they sound too salesy–they focus too much on selling what people want, and so forget to position themselves as a true authority in their area and fully show what their solution can do for their audience. 

Great copy not only sells what people want, but also shows them why they absolutely need it NOW!

Myth #3: You only thing you need to share is the benefits of your products/services

I believe in leading with benefits and showing an audience what’s in it for them. But the truth is, you’re probably not the only one who can provide the solution you provide. Sure, you may do things differently, but that doesn’t mean that your audience will automatically perceive you differently–that is, unless you know how to uniquely talk about you and your business.

One of the things I do with my clients is work through creating a unique framework, a set of three to five high-level steps that describe how they take their clients from point A to point B in a very clear, concise way. Let’s use a group of powerhouse ladies like Jenna Kutcher, Jasmine Star, Caitlin Batcher, etc. as an example. They all teach business owners how to build successful businesses. Despite having the same overarching goals and providing similar ending benefits, they are each known for their unique approaches. When people go to them, they’re not saying, “I want to sign up for an Instagram course because (insert benefit).” They’re saying, “I want Jenna’s approach so that I can (insert specific framework experience and benefit that only Jenna can fulfill).”

Start by trying to create your signature framework, those three to five steps that you use to help someone go from where they are now to where they want to be. Shannon Monson has her signature ICON method. Jenna Kutcher has the classic JK5. Caitlin Batcher created the SCALE method. What will your signature method be? 

Ask yourself: What do my clients need to have, need to do, and need to master in order to go from point A to point B? 

For example, before writing their copy, my clients need to have a defined offer. What they need to do in order to write copy that converts is understand their target market’s buying trigger and core desire. And finally, my clients need to master creating a messaging ecosystem resulting in clear and consistent messaging across all platforms.

By communicating the pathway I take my clients on, people are able to pinpoint me and my services as providing something unique and beneficial to them and their goals.

#4: The shorter the better

Being clear and concise isn’t always determined by length. While it’s true that your copy should only be as long as it needs to be, you also need to be able to give enough context about your offer so that people fully understand it and have the opportunity to visualize what their transformation could look like as they read your copy.

If you can say all that you need to say in order to make sure people get it in just a few sentences, then by all means, do it! Use as many words as you need–and no more–to communicate your value and make your point.

Copy needs to create desire and demand for what you sell while simultaneously removing limiting beliefs that prevent someone from investing in your product or service. These limiting beliefs are typically that people don’t trust you, your product, or themselves–so you need to be able to remove these roadblocks and help them process their struggles before you try to sell to them.

Let’s say you go to your doctor because you’re not feeling well. The moment you open the door to your doctor’s office, she takes one quick look at you, and gives you a prescription without actually conversing with you or giving you a check-up–just a bottle of pills and her bill in the mail. Are you confident that she’s given you the solution, the correct medicine, to make you feel better? Probably not.

Here’s some things you can do to craft clear and concise messaging that’s exactly the length it needs to be: 

  • Identify and outline your audience’s symptoms. Don’t just ask, “Are you feeling overwhelmed?” Try asking, “Are you still answering emails at 10pm because you don’t have a streamlined system for onboarding new clients?”
  • Build trust by proving you understand and empathize with your audience’s problem. Add more depth to your copy by expressing and sharing specific details of what they might be experiencing behaviourally and emotionally.

There you have it! Want more intentional help with your messaging and copywriting? Join my email club here.

Interested in what working together would look like and how strategic copy can help you generate more qualified leads and achieve predictable, consistent income? Check out my services here.

Copywriting myths that might be hurting your business


Comments +

  1. […] One of the biggest mistakes people make when talking about their services or products is that they think they can just snap in a few benefits and features and call it a day. Well, that’s a myth (you can read more about common copywriting myths here). […]

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