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Why people don’t care about your upcoming launch (and what to do to change that)

September 3, 2020 11:02 pm

There is nothing worse than spending HOURS on the million things you need to do to get your launch ready, only to hear one thing — crickets.

A few months ago, I had a discovery call with a mindset/business coach asking for copywriting help. She told me about her last launch and how exhausting and fruitless it was. Prior to her launch, she invested $12k (!!) in a coaching program to learn how to launch her high-level mastermind group coaching program. She ran ads, created content, set up a legit sales funnel using her coach’s “proven templates”, etc. She followed every single step of the program to a T, but she still wasn’t able to sell one spot.

She said: “I have 300-ish people in my private FB group and I went live every day for 5 days during my launch with GOOD content, but no one seemed to care.”

My heart always sinks a bit when I hear stories like this because I know what it’s like to invest a bunch of time and money into something and not see any results. It’s discouraging, to say the least.

As we continued our conversation, I started to uncover the root of the issue and TBH, I see this misstep all the time.

Spoiler alert: her launch strategy wasn’t the problem. As a matter of fact, she had a killer launch plan!

In today’s blog, I want to share how brand messaging and copywriting paired with a solid launch strategy can improve your launch success along with some actionable tips!

It’s gonna be gooood.

why people don't care about your launch


Lack of clear messaging 

As creative business owners, we’re AMAZING at giving value and solving problems. So why do many entrepreneurs still feel like they aren’t seeing the needle move towards growth even when they’re doing all the “right” things?

Well, before we pitch and sell, we first need to understand what our ideal clients desperately need and want right now in this moment so that we can better relate to their pressure points and use THEIR language to craft a message that speaks to THEM.

By basing your launch off of a brand messaging strategy, you are more likely to get the results you need from your marketing efforts.

The thing is, people don’t take action if they don’t know you’re speaking TO them! You may have an amazing product with great pricing, but if your messaging is off, people won’t care. Period.

The online business industry tends to put more emphasis on having a solid sales strategy. I get it. It’s a sexy idea that grabs your attention, but will leave you just hoping and praying that your marketing efforts will work.

When you take this approach, you’ll end up with confusing messaging. You’ll change the way you talk and how you show up with the latest trends, and your messaging will be all over the place because you won’t have a grounded strategy that pulls it all together.

This is why I believe you should approach it the other way around – by establishing your brand voice and messaging strategy first and using that to guide the rest of your launch.


Step 1: Listen to what your ideal clients want

I seriously could do another blog post that dives deeper into this specific topic. But for now, know this: When it comes to figuring out your messaging, step 1 is to LISTEN to what your ideal clients want.

People are willing to spend their money on something if it’s going to remove their pain, whether that be financially, emotionally, or physically. But it is YOU who has to start the conversation and find out what it is that causes your dream client’s worries and fears so that your messaging can speak directly to their situation, connect with them emotionally, and make them feel like “man, she gets me!” This is where you need to come in and connect with your people and gather the details.

Think about this: What do your ideal clients need to know, learn, and believe before they buy from you?

For each of the things I offer in my business, I write down a list of “pains” people will experience if they don’t hire me so that I can create relevant content to change their beliefs, overcome their objections, and educate them on what they don’t know. The blog post you’re reading right now covers one of those 😉

Related post: 3 Things Your Brand Messaging Needs to Win Dream Clients

Step 2: Prove you can give your clients what they want

Once you have your list, don’t be afraid to dive DEEP into each of those pain points in the content you produce to share your expertise and insights! Ever wonder how to get people hooked and taking in every piece of content you drop?

This is how:

  • Listen to your people and create what THEY want, not necessarily what YOU think they should know
  • Understand the main thing that causes them pain like no one else
  • Use REAL LIFE problems/examples in your messaging to help people picture why your product/service is valuable to them

Here is an example:

A nutritionist might say that they have this amazing done-for-you meal plan that gives you easy-to-make, healthy recipes.

That’s great. I would want an easy, done-for-you meal plan, too. BUT–think about it. Why do you think sooooo many cookbooks or meal plans out there don’t sell well? Because they fail to convince people that they will work for them too. I don’t know about you, but I get intimidated by beautiful cookbooks. Yes, I’m sure the recipes taste good, and those curated food images? They’re the prettiest. But if I don’t believe I can do it, I’m not gonna spend money on it.

When it comes to selling, it’s about more than whether or not we can prove to someone we can get results.

I love what Davey and Krista said about how there is really only one question we need to answer to win over prospective customers/clients: Are you really able to do that for someone like me? That = whatever benefit your products or service promises.

So let’s adjust the meal plan example messaging a bit:

Need tried-and-tested REAL LIFE recipes for busy married couples? Grab my done-for-you meal plan for easy-to-make recipes that can be made with what you already have in your pantry.

Do you see how by getting more specific and incorporating real-life problems, your “pitch” instantly becomes so much more relatable and convincing?

Now it’s your turn!

Action steps:

  • Listen to what your ideal clients want. Pay attention to the language they use. I like to do market research using Instagram features such as polls and question boxes to help with this.
  • Write down a list of pains your ideal clients are struggling with and what real-life problems they’re experiencing.
  • Gather all your information and start tweaking your brand messaging. Download my FREE brand messaging guide if you need a step-by-step process to nail down your WHY, mission statement, elevator pitch, and more!

Other posts you might like:

  1. Three Mindset Shifts to Help Nail Down Your Ideal Client Profile
  2. How To Create Content Effectively Without It Taking Over Your Life
  3. 3 Social Media Copy Hacks To Increase Engagement

Why people don’t care about your upcoming launch (and what to do instead) -3


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